This weekend has been the worst as far as "Take out the trash" Friday's are concerned! American Patriots are now trained to watch for "Bank-Closures" on Fridays. Well last Friday 9/12/08 Paranoid Patriots including myself, telling the listening audience the night before explained how this is processed Federalization of the United States Economy and continued DE-valuation of the dollar until we beg for mercy for THE AMERO.
How in God's Greensberg's Earth can Alan Greenspan tell Americans on Sundays This week with George Stephanopoulos that " is the worst economy that I have ever seen?".---"Oh...,By Far"......
This is the guy who allowed all of it! He gets away with saying "we shouldn't try to protect every institution"??? OF COURSE HE DOES! Especially when "everyone" isn't in his tight circle of pencil pushing, corporate backed, elitist few.
Meanwhile, McCain and Obama "favor" private solution for Lehman Brothers' current problems and make them ultimately OURS in the future! At least we now know neither party is for change and will give us at least 4 more years of the "status quo" if we all can afford it for 4 more years.
Funny how everyone in America forgot McCain's son's involvement in Nevada's Silver State Bank.
Meanwhile Barack Obama still cannot shake this "misconception" on him being Muslim?
But it only gets better everyone!
Sarah Palin says America gets 20% of its oil from her own state!
But we know why these stories don't get attention when I told you Tina Fey was going to parody Sarah Palin on SNL-----In REAL time DURING my show BTW... Download all the podcast's and NEVER get caught with your pants down again!!!!
Perhaps with just 50 days away until the Election you might start listening to the show!
Weeknights from 9-12MIDNIGHT on NEWSTALK 1310 KFKA
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