Wednesday, February 6, 2008


This document was passed forward to The Scooter McGee Show in hopes that this story will somehow break the media industrial complex!

Well then ..... The game is afoot!
If you missed the show you can listen to it HERE

This is the original email sent to the show-
Dear Sir and Ma'am:

Enclosed is "The Red Paper" a document distributed by the Republican Party of Iowa in their caucus package to each of the 1781 Iowa Caucuses. You will notice it shows the candidates whose votes would be tabulated and reported to the media. Also, Republican Presidential candidate, John Cox, was the highest ranked candidate in the Iowa Republican listings who was not listed on the"Red Paper" although John Cox's portrait flashed in rotation on the website with each candidate whose name was listed on the "Red Paper". Every candidate whose portrait flashed in rotation on the Iowa Republican Party's website had his name listed on the Iowa Caucus "Red Paper". John Cox was the only candidate left off. This proves the Iowa Republican Party's vote fraud. Some County Chairmen I polled said their voters were impressed that if they did not vote for a candidate whose name was on the "Red Paper" that their votes would not be counted, and they were right. This discouraged the Republican caucus attendees from voting for their choice. Please investigate and publicize this! I am enclosing in two other e-mails one an article by Iowa Political Pundit David Yepsen, January 10, 2008, "Parties must probe caucus complaints, make fixes" information and articles from a distribution by the Ron Paul for President campaign, and two, John Cox for President position papers.

Then it was followed by this-
Dear Sir and Ma'am:

I am sending three e-mails with evidence that the Republican Party of Iowa committed vote fraud in the 1781 Iowa Republican Caucuses by issuing "The Red Paper" to each caucus showing the names of candidates for the Republican nomination for President of the United States of who they would tabulate the votes. The Republican Party of Iowa did not include the name of Republican Candidate for President, John Cox, although John Cox's portrait flashed in rotation with every candidate on "The Red Paper". County Chairmen have told me that their voters were impressed that if they did not vote for a candidate listed on "The Red Paper" that their votes would not be counted.
The second e-mail is a Des Moines Register article by Iowa Political Writer, David Yepsen, "Parties must probe caucuses, make fixes", January 10, 2008. He wrote that some candidates' votes were not counted at all. Included are articles and papers from the Ron Paul for President campaign about voter fraud and that only three companies in the United States perform electronic vote tabulation.
The third e-mail includes John Cox's position papers.
Please investigate this Iowa Caucus vote fraud and interview Republican Presidential candidate John Cox.
Thank you,
Linda Harrington

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