Congress once again has not "solved" the crisis they created, yet 1.2 Trillion was lost in today's trading on Wall Street. 300 + Billion already pumped into Global Economy today alone by Federal Reserve, and that does not begin to track the billions already printed and gone from the United States Economy. 9.2 Trillion in DEBT and climbing.
Republicans & Democrats will go on "Jewish holiday"----- When is the last time YOU took a "holiday" on some one's nickel, only to have to pay it back with interest?
The "Lamestream Media" is simply not discussing issues at hand. 80 to 1 is the "reported" figure of letters streaming into Congress demanding we NOT bail out Wall Street. Numbers like that are at least showing that America is waking up from it's deep sleep.
Foreclosures are still breaking ALL-TIME high levels. How can we make rational decisions in a mindless swim of fear?
Tonight on The Scooter McGee Show we talk with Michelle Gorman and Marc Halpern from http://www.buythishousenj.com/ to learn "How to make the best purchase", "How to use your IRA to make money in real estate", and most importantly how to ensure your retirement funds won't be lost in the stock market!
If you miss this or ANY of the show, FREE PODCAST available at www.ScooterMcGee.com
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