Sen. Biden returns to campus during United Nations week
U.S. Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.), a member of the SenateForeign Relations Committee since 1972, said last Thursday he did not understand the importance of collective security for the nations ofthe world until he graduated from the University of Delaware in 1965.
In a speech celebrating United Nations Week, Biden said professor emeritus Leroy Bennett and other political science professors who taught him were wise to espouse the value of the United Nations as avaluable peacekeeping tool.
Meeting with world leaders, Biden said he has "on more than one occasion, been brought back in my mind to classes I took with Dr. Bennett," a man Biden called "well ahead of his time." In his speech in Clayton Hall, "On the Threshold of the New WorldOrder: A Rebirth for the United Nations," Biden said the world'sleaders must adopt a new understanding of security. "Collective security today must encompass not only the security of nations," hesaid, "but also mankind's security in a global environment that has proven vulnerable to debilitating changes wrought by man's own endeavors.
1 comment:
How the heck did you find this? That was a nice bit o' sleuthery.
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